
“There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe.”

Daniel H. Wilson


Robotics is a concrete and tangible way to build and strengthen cognitive development, as well as other academic areas such as mathematics, engineering, strategic thinking and goal-oriented thinking.

Robotics includes designing, building, programming, testing and improving of autonomous robots. The process incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) education. When students practice brainstorming to solve challenging problems, it concurrently stimulates both the right (creativity) and left (logical thinking, problem solving) sides of the brain.

Young learners can develop scientific enquiry skills and understand technological concepts through robotics learning. It also develops soft skills like time management, problem solving, teamwork and communication.


Our Robotic Lab incubates innovative minds and exuberant fun. Kids learn to build and program awe-inspiring robots using LEGO’s most advanced robotics technology – the powerful MINDSTORMS® EV3,  get hands-on, personal coaching from industry experts, focus on exciting topics and develop lasting skills.

Using our online platform, we share all lectures, video clips and assignments to allow our students to review their progress at home or share results with parents and friends. Students are also rewarded with cool badges and certificates for their milestone achievements.

By learning while experimenting, students will find it fun and wanting to learn more. And the more they are engaged in the learning process, the better they will retain the information.